Spinach Blueberry Salad with Ginger Lemon Vinaigrette

June is not only Men's Health Month, it's also Alzheimer's Awareness Month. Some of the most common chronic conditions that impact men include prostate and colon cancer as well as heart disease.

Men are also susceptible to Alzheimer's disease, especially if they're dealing with diabetes or high blood pressure.It's important to limit calorie-dense, nutritionally empty foods like processed meats, chips, pastries, ice cream and other treats while focusing on nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables to prevent chronic diseases.

According to the CDC, 9 out of 10 US adults don't meet the recommended intake for fruits and vegetables. We can do better! Research supports 5 or more servings of fruits and veggies daily to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.This crisp, summer salad is not only delicious.

It’s perfect for heart, brain health AND cancer prevention.  Blueberry and spinach boast 55% of the Daily Value for vitamin C and 32% of the Daily Value for vitamin A and provide other antioxidants to support brain and heart health as well as prevent cancer. 

Walnuts add anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and give the salad some crunch. If you’re out of spinach, arugula, mixed greens, kale or butter lettuce would work well. A portion of grilled salmon or other fish would make this a great dinner salad.

You can make the salad vegan by omitting the feta cheese.I was flattered to join Cincy Lifestyle http://cincylifestyle.com/ earlier today to feature this salad. What fun to be in person again after 2+ years of Covid. Enjoy



1 bag baby spinach leaves

1-pint fresh blueberries- rinsed

1 cucumber- sliced and quartered

2 green onions, chopped

1/3 cup chopped walnuts

1/3 cup feta cheese crumbles


1/4 cup canola oil

Juice of 1 lemon

1 tsp. sesame oil

1 tsp. ginger paste

1 tsp. honey


Wash & dry spinach leaves and place in a large bowl. Add blueberries, chopped cucumbers, green onions, walnuts, and feta cheese.

Whisk the canola oil, lemon juice, sesame oil, ginger paste, and honey together for dressing.  Drizzle dressing over salad and toss right before serving.

Makes 6 servings. 


Superior Salmon with Peach Salsa


June is Alzheimer's Awareness Month